Personal & Spiritual Development
Arlen Busenitz (Session D)
Transforming Words: Communication Strategies for Stressful Situations
Have you found yourself avoiding a conversation or talk because you did not know what to say, how to say it, or were afraid of the repercussions? Our words and how we say them can bring life or tear people down. Arlen shares a Biblically based framework to give you direction and wisdom on what to say in any situation. You’ll learn a set of principles and strategies Jesus used with various situations.
Arlen Busenitz (Session C)
Superior Execution: Become a Doer and Not Just a Talker/Dreamer/Hearer
God calls us to be a doer and not just a hearer of the Word. Too many people are caught in the “someday” I will make the changes or obey God. Others are dragged down by the guilt of unrealistic expectations. Some are caught in the cycle of trying harder, failing, giving up, and then repeating. You will learn how to get the people around you to level up their excellence and achieve superior execution.
Brent Johnson (Session B, D)
Prayer in the Church: Looking to a More Biblical Model
In this class, prayer will be put under the “microscope” to analyze its structure and biblical directives while comparing it to traditional practices. By the end of this class, attendees will be challenged to reevaluate their prayer practices, to be able to see biblical examples of prayer, to teach a biblical view of prayer, and to note creative ways to lead prayer meetings.
Luis A. Sanchez (Session A, D)
How to Finish Well in Ministry
In a world that is driven by the instantaneousness of everything, people are losing the ability to see the big picture of life. That reality has trapped them in a desperate run toward emptiness and despair that is only getting worse, making people tired and without hope. Identifying that threat and learning how to overcome it will allow you to live a better and meaningful life.
Roy Wooten (Session C)
When Carrying Others' Burdens Weighs You Down: Secondary Trauma and What to Do About It
Do you wonder if you are getting burned out? There is a direct relationship between the pain of others you carry and your ability to minister. During this workshop you will discover your level of compassion fatigue, secondary trauma, and burnout with a personal assessment, learn how carrying other’s burdens affects you and your ministry, and develop a personalized self-care plan for preventing and alleviating burnout.
Roy Wooten (Session B)
When Counseling/Coaching Isn’t Working: What to Do When the Person Asking for Help Isn’t Getting Better
One of the most challenging struggles in ministry happens when you are trying to help another person who is not getting better. Unfortunately, facing someone who seems stuck is not uncommon. Many counselors, coaches, and ministers experience a resistant soul. During this workshop, you will discover common reasons why people get stuck during counseling, uncover specific tools and techniques to help them move through their stuck place, and have the opportunity to practice using at least one of the tools so that you can use it in your next session.
Roy Wooten (Session A, D)
Soul Care: Taking Care of Yourself So You Can Minister to Others
“Really, what profit is there for you to gain the whole world but lose yourself in the process.” Mark 8:36 (VOICE). Ministry can be overwhelmingly consuming. The needs of ministry frequently outlast what we have to give. In this workshop, you will find common reasons why 42% are considering leaving ministry, discover internal and external barriers to a lifetime of ministry, identify options for caring for your soul over the marathon of ministry, and develop an individualized soul care plan.