Leadership & Ministry Development
Genea Browne (Session A, B)
How to Lead Yourself Well in Order to Lead Others Better
Leadership can be frustrating when you feel ill-equipped to face the daily challenges of leading yourself and leading a team. The content we will cover in this workshop will equip you to not only navigate some of those challenges effectively, but learn how to lead yourself and others well. We will cover the key areas of self-leadership that will help you contribute to your environment in a positive and successful way, which will lead to confidence in your leadership.
Arlen Busenitz (Session A)
The World Needs Your Story: Crafting Testimonies & Talks That Change Lives
Your experiences, struggles, and victories can be a tremendous blessing to others. God will take us through challenges so that we can encourage others going through those same challenges. Attendees will learn to pick out several powerful stories from your past and turn them into a short story using a proven system, tell stories that change lives, use the BCAC formula to share your testimony, and leave the session with a powerful three-minute story they can share.
Mike Farag (Session B)
The Case for Rebranding for Nonprofit Leaders
When and why should you invest in a rebrand for your organization? Get key insights and join a conversation with a CEO who’s been through it. Learn the impact your brand has and the signs it needs to be redone. Understand the process and what to expect. Also get insights on how to navigate your team and board through a rebrand.
Tim Stevens (Session B)
Rebuilding a Broken Culture – or Making a Good Culture Great
Today, perhaps more than any other time, we hear about quiet quitting, burnout, exhaustion, high turnover, and the great resignation. A strategic focus on building a healthy culture is the antidote to all these issues. What are the values and behaviors that define your team? You can have a great vision and strong prayer effort, but if you don’t pay attention to culture – you will not have success.
Dorothy Vance (Session D)
The Grieving Leader: How to Lead Through Loss
Leading while experiencing the pain of grief can feel insurmountable. The secret to leading well through loss is learning how to grieve well. These three practices will help you grieve well to lead well. By the end of this workshop, participants will learn how to prepare for the inevitability of grief, practical ways to lead well while grieving well, and how to use grief as a redemptive tool to lead others toward a fuller relationship with Jesus.
Dr. Garland Vance (Session A)
Kill Busyness: 5 Steps to Beat Stress, Exhaustion, and Overwhelm
If someone asks you how you’re doing, do you tell them you’re “so busy?” We often believe that God wants us to live busy lives. Rooted in his doctoral research, Dr. Garland Vance will help you understand what overcommitment does to you spiritually, relationally, emotionally, and physically. And you’ll discover 5 proven steps to kill busyness before it kills you. By the end of the workshop, participants will understand what busyness is and if it’s God’s will, discover 5 steps to beat busyness, and decide if they want to beat busyness.
Dr. Garland Vance & Dorothy Vance (Session B, C)
Unleash Your Leadership: 7 Traits that Solve 95% of Leadership Challenges
Good leaders hone the craft of leadership by continually developing their skills. It’s challenging to know how you need to grow as a leader because of the abundance of options. Based on over 20 years of leadership research, discover 7 traits that will solve 95% of your leadership challenges. By the end of this workshop, participants will understand the 7 traits most necessary for continual leadership growth: character, competence, capacity, clarity, community, culture, and consistency; identify the area in which they need to grow; and learn practical skills for each of the traits that will help them develop as a leader.
Dr. Teresa Moon (Session C)
Contagious Transformation: Cultivating Teams for Transformation That Spreads
What if growing your mission was as easy as spreading a virus? With the right tools, the petri dish of your teams can become a transformative environment – where each member is an infection agent, spreading the power of your mission. Join us to expose Scripture, the latest research, and practical steps to cultivate viral missional growth.