Stewardship & Missions
Lezlie Armour & Owen Barr (Session B, C)
Nuts & Bolts of Planning a Mission Trip
In this workshop, attendees will learn how to pick a place for a mission trip, what to do to prepare for that mission trip, and how to help the team prepare themselves for the mission trip. Attendees will also learn the practical checklist they will need before leaving. Learn what to do and what not to do while on a mission trip and ways to make the experience life changing!
Brad Leeper (Session A)
Determine the Current Trajectory of Your Financial Giving
Learn how to implement innovative metrics in your church that will equip you to elevate the current trajectory of financial giving. Increasing giving is very doable. We will unpack how engaging in uncommon data points along with key habits can exceed your budget projections.
Brad Leeper (Session B, C)
How to Know If Your Giving Systems Are Working
Giving goals alone cannot change your generosity culture. What systems are core to exceeding giving goals? You will learn new, key processes needed to advance the culture and giving in your church.
Brad Leeper (Session D)
How to Assess Your Giving Culture
Is your church average, below average, or above average in financial giving? Review current giving trends, core data points, and essential values to help you find out. Where is giving trending? Plus, explore four cornerstone systems to increase your financial giving.
Mike Rosecky (Session B)
Can Your Organization Be Trusted?
Integrity and accountability are critical when building trust with donors and the outside world. This session will dig deep into ECFA standards to give you an overview on how you can build better practices in your church or ministry. You will learn why integrity & accountability is important for your organization, how you can take steps to enhance trust in your organization, and receive helpful tools that can help you assess your organization against ECFA standards.
Jeff Chadwick (Session A, B, C, D)
A Gospel-Driven Strategy for Meeting Physical & Spiritual Needs in Marginalized Communities
This workshop will equip church and nonprofit leaders with insight to help them develop an effective strategy to carry out the Great Commission in marginalized and economically disadvantaged communities in their city. Through strategic partnerships the local church can leverage herself for effective mission work in the darkest communities that need it most. An examination of Mission Centers of Houston’s Compassion Center ministry that was launched in late 2022 will provide a practical example to encourage and inspire attendees.