Lizzie Zabojnik
Lizzie works at Smart Church Solutions on the Customer Stewardship Team and assists with integrations. She has done on-boarding training for over 150 customers and led a series of webinars that overviewed the company's product between Nov 2022 and April 2023. She has helped update and improve over 250 Knowledge Base articles for the company's customer base and has authored several herself on the topic of integrations. Before that, she worked as a project manager at a small Texas energy consulting company where she oversaw the installation and programming of building temperature controls (thermostats and building automation). She was also in charge of training customers on the company's energy-saving software, implementing industry-standard strategies that went beyond the software, and she authored most of the internal and external training documents for one of the company's control systems they installed. She lives in the DFW area with her amazing husband of ten years! Together they enjoy going on trips all over the country.