Communications, Media & Technology
Trent Carroll (Session C)
Using ChatGPT for Your Church or Ministry
ChatGPT is an amazing AI tool that can boost your productivity in various tasks. In this introductory class, you will discover how ChatGPT can help you with its capabilities of natural language understanding, text generation, and content creation. You will learn how to use ChatGPT to find relevant and accurate information from the web, conduct research on various topics with ease, and draft documents with creativity and efficiency.
Chris Green (Session D)
You’ve Been Hacked! – What to Do Today to Increase Security and Prepare for a Response
Churches and nonprofits are directly targeted with hacking for financial gain. Organizations are experiencing phishing, email compromise, wire fraud, and ransomware every day. We will talk about the basic security precautions that can significantly increase your protection as well as how various types of Cyber Insurance may or may not be appropriate for your organization.
Chris Green (Session B)
The Convergence of Audio/Visual/Lighting and Information Technology
With the increasing capabilities of Audio, Video, and Lighting systems, the integration and dependence on networking technology has increased dramatically. While basic implementations can often be successful with minimal effort, most implementations require advanced IT networking expertise. In this session, we will discuss some of the technical challenges of implementing AVL technology and why it is more important than ever for AVL and IT teams to work together directly toward a common goal.
Grady Brown (Session A, C, D)
Improving Visitor Experience Through Identification & Directional Signage
How can your facility benefit from a directional sign program? What is the process for managing the design and planning process? Get answers to these questions as well as learn about resources for implementation and ways to ensure the life cycle of your program through responsible maintenance routines.
Melany Sanchez (Session C)
Communication by Design
Communication is more than just words. In fact, 90% of information sent to the brain is visual and 65% of people are visual learners. In this workshop, we will discuss essential elements for design, ranging from establishing a cohesive image that communicates your message, to tips and tricks that will allow you to effectively engage with your members.